Georgia Bulldogs’ Richard LeCounte was injured in a crash when his motorcycle collided with another vehicle. LeCounte was riding a dirt bike at the time. He lost control of the bike when another vehicle turning left hit him.
After the initial collision, LeCounte’s bike came into the path of the oncoming traffic. This was when his bike collided with a second car.
LeCounte was wearing a helmet at the time. This played a key role in keeping him safe from any critical injuries. Once the paramedics and first responders reached the scene of the crash, LeCounte was rushed to a local hospital. As of Sunday, November 1, he was still under treatment at the hospital.
His injuries included bruised ribs, a concussion and a bruised shoulder. According to the updates from the hospital, none of these injuries will require surgery.
The accident occurred on the Macon Highway on Saturday, November 31. In the immediate wake of the crash, LeCounte was transported to the Trauma Center at the Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center. After preliminary treatment which revealed that LeCounte’s injuries were not life-threatening, he was moved to a regular hospital room on Monday. The next day he tweeted from the hospital that ‘All is Well’, indicating that the Bulldogs’ captain and head of security is well on his way to recovery.
Georgia played its last match against Kentucky, winning the contest hours before LeCounte ran into the accident. The Bulldogs are due to play their next match against Florida on the coming weekend. It still remains to be seen if LeCounte can recover sufficiently to be a part of the game. If he is found unfit to take his position on the team so soon, it is very likely that Junior Christopher Smith will play in his place.
If you or your loved one are hurt in a car wreck, call our office and speak with a Georgia car accident attorney right away. You may have a potential claim for damages.