Decatur Burn Injury Lawyer

If you reside in Decatur, Georgia, and sustain burn injuries as a result of another party’s negligence, you are eligible for compensation. However, you need a skilled Decatur burn injury lawyer to handle your case and get the full amount you deserve.

The amount you can claim depends on the severity of the injury and the losses or expenses incurred. You can claim for immediate expenses, and also those that may arise down the line. For instance, when skin grafts are required and the process could take months or years to complete. If full recovery is unlikely, this increases the amount you can claim.

To learn more about burn injuries and how you can initiate the claims process, reach out to The Super Lawyer by calling 404-574-4308 today!

Table of Contents

What Are the Common Causes of Burn Injuries?

Most burns are caused when you come into contact with an open flame, hot or chemical substance. Most of these injuries occur in the home, but car-accident and work-related burns are also common. Here are some of the common causes of burn injuries in Georgia:

  • Accidents in the kitchen
  • Faulty wiring at home
  • Auto accidents
  • Work-related accidents
  • Children without adult supervision while playing with fire hazards

Categories of Burns

It’s imperative to comprehend the classification of varying burn injuries, how they define an injury’s severity and how they can affect a personal claim. Burns are classified in the following levels:

First Degree Burns

These are superficial and just affect the epidermis (the top layer of the skin). The burn location turns red and painful without blistering like scalding with hot water or sunburn.

Second Degree Burns

These affect both the top and second layers of the skin (dermis). Also known as partial-thickness burns, second-degree burns lead to red, blistered, painful skin that may sometimes be swollen.

Third Degree Burns

These destroy the first and second layers of the skin, making their way to the fatty tissue or subcutaneous layer. They are also called full-thickness burns and the burn site may appear black or white and charred.

Immediate pain may not be apparent as the nerve endings get destroyed in the process. However, they ultimately become very painful and the ability of the skin to grow back is extremely limited.

Fourth Degree Burns

These types of burns destroy the whole skin and make their way into deeper tissues including muscles, organs, etc. Extremely severe, these burns may go as far as the bone, and the affected region may appear white or black depending on the cause.

The wound is usually open and it may seem like the skin has melted. Fourth-degree burns are not usually as painful since all the nerve endings have been destroyed.

Claims for burns are usually the 3rd and 4th degree, but if a first or second-degree one has led to medical bills or loss of income, you can make a claim regardless of the severity.

What Damages Are Available for Burn Injuries in Georgia?

The amount of compensation you can claim depends on an array of factors like the severity of the injury and the losses or expenses.

There are three categories of burns that you can recover in the state of Georgia:

Economic Damages

These refer to losses with an exact monetary value. Examples include medical expenses, damage to property, and loss of wages.

You can claim for immediate expenses, and also those that may arise down the line. For instance, when skin grafts are required and the process could take months or years to complete.

Decatur burn injury lawyer concept, doctor bandaging burned hand

Non-Economic Damages

These have no exact monetary value. Examples of non-economic damages include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of companionship, loss of enjoyment in life, loss of consortium, and the inability to partake in certain activities.

The amount rewarded for non-economic damages is often at the discretion of the judge and can be calculated depending on the severity of the injury as well as its impact on your life.

Punitive Damages

These are often awarded where the party responsible is found to be grossly negligent or wilful in causing the injury. Punitive damages may benefit you, but their goal is to punish the party at fault in the hopes of preventing them from engaging in the same behavior and also discouraging others.

It is advisable to contact reputable Decatur burn injury lawyers at The Super Lawyer to know which types of damages you can be able to recover.

How Long Do You Have to File a Burn Injury Claim in Georgia?

In Georgia, the statute of limitations for filing burn injury claims is two years. As such, you need to file the claim within 2 years from the date of the accident.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Decatur Burn Injury Lawyer?

Competent burn injury lawyers do not charge upfront but operate on a contingency basis instead. This means that you will not pay unless you win the claim. Normally, lawyers that operate on a contingency basis collect a percentage of the total compensation rewarded by the court after the case is complete.

How Can an Attorney Help With Your Claim?

Burn injury claims can be complex especially when it comes to proving fault. As such, you do not want to take it as a DIY project. Our lawyers will help with your case by doing the following:

Case Preparation

Apart from getting legal advice, our team will help you prepare for the case in addition to filing a lawsuit. We will handle the paperwork involved.

Settlement Negotiations

As a victim, you will need someone with the skills and experience in negotiating with insurance companies. Our personal injury lawyers will communicate with the party on your behalf and help you seek the most favorable settlement amount possible.

Trial Preparation & Representation

Although most cases are handled outside court, some can only be settled in one. If your claim goes to court, our lawyers will be ready to prepare the case and represent you accordingly.

Hire a Burn Injury Lawyer in Decatur Today!

Burn injuries, particularly third and fourth-degree ones can have severe, life-long repercussions and can affect you physically, mentally, professionally, and financially. Fair compensation, however, can make your life easier and help in recovery from the injury.

So, if you or a loved one has sustained burn injuries due to another party’s negligence, our team at The Super Lawyer is ready to help you. Give us a call at 404-574-4308 to schedule your free case review.

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