Decatur Reckless Driving Accident Lawyer

Did you know reckless driving is more serious than people perceive it? In Decatur, Georgia, it carries hefty penalties compared to other forms of traffic-related accidents such as improper driving or careless driving (both are civil traffic offenses). For this reason, if a person is charged with a reckless driving accident case, aside from the hefty fines, it will affect your driving points, lead to a loss of license, and even go to jail.

If you are a victim of a reckless driving accident, you are legally allowed to seek compensation. However, proving a reckless driving case in a civil court is not easy. In fact, the defendant may place the blame on you or try to settle for a low amount.

This is where our Decatur reckless driving accident lawyers come in. We are known as The Super Lawyer for a reason. We will not only protect your legal rights but work on getting you the best. This is why we offer 100% free consultation services, do not get paid unless we win the case, and offer personalized service because we know each case is different. We are available 24/7. To book a free consultation session or want to speak with our Decatur car accident lawyers, do not hesitate to contact us at 404-574-4308.

Table of Contents

What Is Reckless Driving?

It is important to know that each state in the U.S. has its own legal definition of reckless driving. Georgia defines reckless driving as driving a car in reckless ignore for others’ safety or property. Therefore, it is considered an intentional or conscious indifference to the rules of the roads, knowing that damage could occur. This is why in Georgia reckless driving is considered a crime.

In a civil lawsuit, the plaintiff (accuser) must demonstrate that the driver was reckless. Examples of reckless driving include speeding, running red lights, and drunk driving.

How Reckless Driving Increases the Chances of Accidents?

A reckless driver is someone who is bluntly breaking rules or disregarding the safety of others. According to statistics, speeding causes roughly 33% of auto accident deaths. About 40% of all car accidents deaths are caused by drunk driving. With this information, it is clear that the chances of an accident are high when someone is reckless driving.

Below are a few ways reckless drivers contribute to car accidents:

What Damages Can Victims Get From a Car Accident in Georgia?

After the accident, a victim will be awarded compensation for their injuries, losses, and damages. All these are categorized under three groups of damages. These are: –

Economic Damages

Economic damages are those that can be proven by providing documents or witnesses. A few examples of economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, burial costs, future wages, rehabilitation costs, medication and prescription costs, and more.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are those that cannot be proven with financial calculations but are known to be there. A few examples include pain and suffering, emotional anguish, damage to reputation, humiliation, loss of life enjoyment, and more.

Punitive Damages

Unlike the above two compensatory damages, punitive damage is intended to punish the offender for malicious, willful, or fraudulent actions that led to the harm of the other party. It is intended to discourage the defendant from engaging in that behavior again.

Speed limit sign, Decatur reckless driving accident lawyer concept

How Can I Prove the Other Driver Was Reckless?

There are many ways we will use to show that the other driver was reckless. Because of our experience in legal matters, we know what to look for. The Super Lawyer will look for: –

  • Skidmarks
  • Collect phone records
  • Traffic camera footage
  • Speedometer calibration
  • Witness testimony
  • Dash cam

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim Decatur, Georgia?

When it comes to filing a civil case, a person has only 2 years starting from the date of the accident. This is known as the statute of limitation for civil cases. Based on Georgia’s legal code (Section 9-3-33). If you fail to obey this time frame, it means you have forfeited the case. In other words, you shall never file the case forever. It is important to note that this applies to almost all types of personal injury cases.

Although this is the case, there are a few exceptions. The statute of limitation can be increased or prolonged in cases involving a minor, a mentally incapacitated victim, or fraud.

If your civil case involves a government agency either at the State level or Federal level, the statute of limitation varies between 6 or 12 months. It is important to talk to your lawyer immediately after the accident to protect yourself.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

There are many reasons why you need to speak with a Decatur reckless driving accident lawyer. That is because we will not only protect your legal rights but ensure you get the best possible compensation amount. Do not forget that many cases are settled out of court. We will help you prepare the case, collect proof, trial preparation, and more. Call us today at 404-574-4308 for legal counsel.

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

At The Super Lawyer, we work on a contingency basis. What does this mean? It means that you will not pay anything until we win the case. If we lose, we do not get paid. You will not pay us out of your pocket. We will receive a percentage of the compensation.

Get in Touch With a Top Decatur Reckless Driving Accident Lawyer!

Call us today and book a free consultation session with Reginald A. Greene.

Reginald is known by his colleagues and clients as The Super Lawyer. All thanks to his level of skills, commitment, and experience. The Super Lawyer works with other experts in different professions in order to provide his clients with a strong case. For this reason, he has access to medical experts, forensics experts, and others.

If you are a victim of reckless driving in Decatur, Georgia, call us immediately at 404-574-4308. We will protect your legal rights and fight for your best interests. We are available 24/7 and offer personalized services.

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